The Blessing Song

The blessing song

The-Blessing-Song.jpgThe Blessing Song
Grandmother, there are so many things to be thankful for, to be thankful for. Grandmother, there are so many ways to be thankful, to be thankful. And teach me to be open, to know the way, to grow in the way, to show the way of being thankful.

Grandfather, there are so many ways to be in Love, to be in Love. Grandfather there are so many ways to be in Love, to be in Love. And teach me to be open, to know the way, to grow in the way, to show the way of Love.
Grandmother, there are so many ways to Bless the Earth, to Bless the Earth, Grandfather, there are so many ways to Bless the Earth, to Bless the Earth. And teach us to be open, to know the way, to grow in the way, to show the way of Blessing, of being Thankful, of Love…………
